Monday, 30 July 2012

Birthday Invitation and Party Birthday Invitations for Your Celebrations

Author: Sarah Porter
Birthday Invitation and Party Birthday Invitations for Your Celebrations
No birthday celebration can be a huge success without great a Birthday Invitation, Finding just the right invites can be as important as selecting the decorations and the refreshments. After all, if you don't send Birthday Invitations, that get attention or that is memorable, you're not likely to get a very good turnout for the event. So how do you find these fabulous birthday invites?
Leave it to ...

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Radio Control Helicopters

Author: inroad
Helicopters are great fun, they can be very easy to fly, and anyone can be taught to fly them. The way to start is just buy one of the simple coaxial models available at drug stores Wal-Mart or online. They fly themselves; basically, the twin rotors on the coaxial system are designed to do all the controlling forward backward up and down.
Then comes the real helicopters, fly bars or flybarless heads. Where, you have to control everything. These machines come with all the controls that are available on a full-scale helicopter, but they are available in trainers. And of course as always, one starts with a trainer. The learning curve on this type of helicopter is much steeper, but it can be done.
This is the type of Radio control helicopter that is...

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Using Decorative Birdhouses To Attract Backyard Birds

Author: Jim Ventrone
Attracting backyard birds can be an exciting time to establish a great season for bird watching in your backyard. In the spring, there seems to be new visitors to your backyard every day. Spring is a wonderful time for humans, but it is a crucial point in time for our feathered friends. They have just arrived after following their long bird migration pattern. No matter how much fatigue they may be feeling, the stress on their bodies has just begun. Food sources may not be available or easily accessible.
A great way to attract birds to your yard is ...

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How to Photograph Firewoks Displays - Photography Techniques

Author: Affendy Ahmad
How to Photograph Firewoks Displays? These are most questions that i had received from readers and most had a feeling that its really hard to capture. I could understand that as capturing a fireworks display always involve the elements of both darkness and brightness. The darkness of the sky or the surroundings and the brightness of the fireworks or sometimes the foreground.
My simple adviced to ...

Monday, 2 July 2012

A 4th Of July Party You Just Can't Shake!

A 4th Of July Party You Just Can't Shake!

Author: A.Myers Kennedy
What better way than to celebrate this country's birthday and say Happy 4th Of July than hosting a grand party? After Memorial Day, this is the first big party event of the summer and a great time to share amazing food, drinks and games with family and friends. To make your July 4th party the one that everybody talks about ...